Organic Farming - FOOD Waste RECYCLING

Australia has become a profligate society, with organic waste becoming carelessly extravagant. From Victorian households alone, it is estimated that 250,000 tonnes of food waste is disposed of annually. From a consumer perspective, that is approximately $3,800 worth of groceries per year, and from an environmental perspective it is even more dire, with over 5 million tonnes of food ending up as landfill nationally per year - enough to fill 9,000 olympic swimming pools.

The monetary impact is significant: the Government estimates food waste costs the Australian economy $20 billion each year, and ecological impact is undeniable.

Food waste that is disposed into the garbage ends up in landfill, which then decomposes in a fashion that emits harmful greenhouse gases including methane - these gases have detrimental environmental and public health impacts. As the modern world apologetically engages activities such as burning fossil fuels, mass agricultural endeavours and widespread land clearing - all of which increase the concentrations of greenhouse gases and contribute to the warming of the earth - conscious consideration must be given to regulate these impacts on individual and business levels.

At BSF Organic Farms, food waste is intentionally utilised and immediately consumed, therefore bypassing this slow breakdown phase and circumventing the harmful gas emissions.

Global warming is topical and tangible, and the atmospheric implications from inappropriately disposed food waste is a contributing factor that BSF Organic Farms can control.

Statistics sourced from Australian Government, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment: National Food Waste Strategy

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